South Korea’s top China experts are drawing attention with their differing outlooks on the future of the race for technological dominance...
[Oct.27,2019 17:37 KST] |
Following South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon’s delivery of a letter to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe from South Korean President Moon...
[Oct.25,2019 17:12 KST] |
During a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon reported expressing hopes that the two...
[Oct.25,2019 17:09 KST] |
South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reached an agreement in a meeting on Oct. 24 that bilateral...
[Oct.25,2019 17:07 KST] |
Soft power, defined by the Soft Power 30 index as “the ability to achieve objectives through attraction and persuasion,” is seen by many as the...
[Oct.25,2019 16:59 KST] |
South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon, who is currently visiting Japan, proposed addressing the current strain in relations between the two...
[Oct.24,2019 17:31 KST] |
“I never heard about South Koreans’ painful history on Twitter or the internet. There’s so much inaccurate information. [. . .] It was really...
[Oct.24,2019 17:27 KST] |
The 2019 Asia Future Forum, organized by the Hankyoreh, was held at the Seoul Dragon City Hotel from Oct. 23 to 24. Titled,” Great...
[Oct.24,2019 17:16 KST] |
Delegations from South Korea and the US are sitting down in Honolulu, Hawaii, from Oct. 22 to 24 to negotiate the two countries’ 11th defense...
[Oct.23,2019 18:01 KST] |
“I think it’s only natural for the Koreans who were subjected under Japan’s colonial occupation to see the comfort women issue as a national...
[Oct.23,2019 17:34 KST] |