More radioactively contaminated waste matter was spilled in Japan as a result of Typhoon Hagibis, with many contaminated soil storage suits left in...
[Oct.21,2019 17:48 KST] |
The Japan Prime Minister’s Official Residence, an organization of advisors to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, pushed through export control measures...
[Oct.21,2019 17:42 KST] |
Calls to institute a real name system on the internet and prohibit malicious online messages have been growing louder in the wake of the Oct. 14...
[Oct.18,2019 17:33 KST] |
Lee Soo-hyuck, the newly appointed South Korean ambassador to the US, said that with the US having stated plans to play a “constructive role”...
[Oct.18,2019 17:29 KST] |
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent a ritual offering to Tokyo Yasukuni Shrine, controversial for its housing the remains of confirmed war...
[Oct.18,2019 17:21 KST] |
South Korean and US have shut down one of the largest dark web providers of child pornography, the South Korean Justice Ministry announced on Oct....
[Oct.17,2019 16:57 KST] |
The Aichi Triennale, which included the exhibition of a “Statue of a Girl of Peace,” which represents comfort women victims, has come to a...
[Oct.16,2019 16:58 KST] |
The Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (ADEX) 2019, which exhibits domestic and overseas military technology, kicked off at Seoul...
[Oct.16,2019 16:44 KST] |
A comfort woman statue has finally found its home near Washington, DC, after three years of postponement. The statue arrived in 2016, but plans to...
[Oct.16,2019 16:41 KST] |
A coalition of Japanese civic groups has made a pamphlet regarding the issue of forced labor under Japan’s imperial military. In October 2018,...
[Oct.15,2019 17:08 KST] |